Another Dish Of Bird And Fish (From Chapter 9)

Another Dish Of Bird And Fish (From Chapter 9)

No one knows why the immediate aftermath of running in the rain is laughter. Perhaps it’s that one small grab at childhood exuberance before we remember life still sucks and now we’re stuck in the rain. Still, Wendy and Jae Won filled the air in the sedan with childlike laughter till the windshield became sandwiched by foggy steam and watery iridescent sheets. The downpour grew torrential leading Wendy to prudently pull up to a fire plug till it passed.

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Falling In Love with (Korean) Love

Falling In Love with (Korean) Love

I was destined to be a Korean drama addict: The signs were all there.  As a child, I clapped my chubby hands wildly when Cinderella’s prince placed her foot into the glass slipper, cheered when Wendy was saved by Peter and swooned when Sleeping Beauty was awakened with a kiss.  (Yes, little girls swoon; they just don’t know why.)  It’s no wonder I reimagined Alice in Through the Looking Glass as Alice Again by replacing the white rabbit with a handsome young man with a tupelo honey complexion.

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